Friday, September 19, 2008


 泣くのは久しぶり。。最後は空港でなのかな。。DVDレンタル屋から借りた韓国の映画見て。。何回も泣いちゃった。さすが。。韓国人(映画監督、俳優)は人を泣かせるのが得意だよな。さらに一人で見た。。どのぐらい泣いても見られないから、涙がコントロールできずいっぱい流した。 >.<''


 悲しい映画はもう。。次はアックション!でも旧作しか見れん。。安いから ^^

 I had a great time crying this noon. LOLZ.. Not because of homesick or kena reject or what.. Just cause I spent ¥140 to rent a Korean movie then makes myself cry.. sigh..

  It is an old movie, shown in Korea in year 2004, Japan in year 2005. Don't know bout Malaysia.. Maybe you guys can find them somewhere since Korean stuffs are so popular now. hmmm.. I can say the director is smart,made the beginning part so sweet till you can melt, then totally the opposite at the ending. Yeap.. Korean expected la. Hehe.. sure sad one.

  One more week before my college restarts. More movies kua..Any suggestion?? (older ones,cause Japan is very slow in releasing movies and, older ones are cheaper :P)

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