どうもみなさん〜お久しぶりです。お元気ですか? .w.
学校また始まって、新鮮なことないし。。(カワイイ新入生/編入生もおらへんし。。つまんね〜〜〜というか新入生若すぎるよね、一年生は16さい .w.)
まああ今日の晩飯の後ずっっっとテレビ見とって、面白いことが出ました ^^
なんでな、女は彼氏と別れる(振る、振られるにも関わらず)際に(「度に」って言ってもすぎないだろう 笑)必ず次の言葉が口から出る ーーーーーーー>アンタが変わった
オレは経験が一回しかなかったねんけど、でもまさにその一回にあいつ(元カノ)からあの島田さんの名言が出ました .w.
OKIE~ For my mate TS and Robbie. haha
Just a brief translation from the passage above. It goes like this :
That day, I got nothing to do so I ended up sitting in front of the TV for 3 hours .. watching funny Japanese TV show. They have lotsa subtitles came out so I could understand most of them. Then came this interesting part. A guy name Shinsuke Shimada, a famous TV entertainer, famous cause of how well he can talk made this comment :
WHY is it that a girl/lady would say "you have changed/你变了"
whenever a relationship is breaking down?
(No matter she is the one who wants the break up or not)
The first thing came into my mind was *ding dong* I heard that before =.="""
Yeah I had only 1 putus cinta experience and I heard that phrase. Fuh~ Rupa-rupanya org Jepun pun sama. Mungkin semua insan sama kut? Lol. I couldn't stop laughing listening to his talks , even now when I'm typing this also I feel like laughing out loud.
Then he said this
What? I have changed? Isn't it the way you look at me, or the way you want/accept me
have changed?!
I couldn't agree more with what he said. Haha..
Can a person change that easily? Maybe both have changed, or the love isn't there anymore.
Ladies and gentlemen , I'm not saying who's right and who's wrong, cause I believe everyone has their own opinions. Just that I enjoyed watching that show =]
But I wanna know , my girl readers, have you said that to your ex before?? x.x